Friday, 20 June 2014

Dear Grandad and Grandma…I’m not coming to your party…and it’s all your fault

Dear Grandad and Grandma

So, 60 years of marriage! Congratulations. What a milestone to be celebrating!

I trust you will have a great celebration this weekend surrounded by family and friends. I am sorry I’m not there to celebrate with you. I’m going to be in Burma working with some amazing young Burmese who are being trained to provide medical care to one of the most neglected people groups in the world.

And you know what… it’s all your fault!

Growing up I loved hearing about your time overseas. That you would give up security, comfort and career to live in difficult places to reach the least; and yes, I guess you missed a few family gatherings too!

As I heard about your exploits from Mum and Dad, as I looked at the wooden giraffe you bought back for me when I was just 6, a seed was planted in me which has been growing ever since. A desire to do the same, and if I am even a fraction as faithful and successful then I will be very thankful.

You know, I never knew what the word posterity meant when I read it in the Bible.

Looking at you and your family, I now understand.

5 children, 13 grandchildren, and so far 5 great-grandchildren!

And yet, your posterity goes far beyond that; that your influence in the lives of each of us goes well beyond us into our workplaces and friendships. It infuses our lives; it affects the way we teach our children. It spreads throughout our country, north and south.
And now I’m seeing how it spreads beyond our borders to impact people all over the world, from Scotland to Burma to New Zealand and in the future to countless places and more importantly, countless lives.

So Grandad and Grandma, this weekend I am thankful for your prayers, I am grateful for your example; and I thank God for you being in my life.

Have a great party!

Every blessing


photo credit: Shutterstock

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

John's Burma Medic Training Trip

This week I’m off to the Thai-Burmese border as one of a team of 32 medics who are heading out to a refugee camp to train 25 'medics'. I’ll be teaching on the ‘Paediatric Week’. These students will return as community healthcare workers to 32 Karen medical clinics in the mountains to treat the 400,000 internally displaced Karen who have been terrorized by the Military Junta for decades.

Burma has the 24th highest population in the world, just a bit lower than the UK. Despite this, there is a high mortality rate, with many deaths from malaria, AIDS, typhoid and diarrhoea. Nearly 40% of this people group are children!

As change comes to Burma, the exiled and displaced groups – refugees, migrants and political activists – will need skills to help rebuild the country and achieve a lasting, sustainable peace. The skills needed to bring about this change are the main priority of HOPE 4 the World, the organisation I am travelling with.

We are all self-funded, but we are raising £10,000 towards the training course, which costs £583 per student, (£3 20 pence /day) for all transport, accommodation and food!

Will you consider giving financially to invest in these young people who will go out with skills to help bring sustainable medical care to this neglected people group? If so, please visit my Justgiving page HERE.

Thank you